Sunday, August 1, 2010

Who is this "AdvergirlOnFire," you ask?

Well, like any pseudo-superhero, I have no plans to divulge my actual name, location, employer, or true eye color. But I will tell you this - I'm known for my hot temper relating to bad design and advertising. It's gotten me in trouble a few times. But for the most part that fire has served me well. It's put me where I am today, in a decent job surrounded by talented people who love to collaborate to make great work. For this I am eternally thankful. I have a passion for what I do, especially relating to design for a cause, and bettering the advertising community through a committment to design education.

So, why start a blog? Well, I can't actually fly or anything, so the best way to get the word out is just to write it down. And I figured I could use an occasional venting session. (Hey, it's cheaper than hiring a shrink.)

Secret Super Power - Fire-ball throwing.
Motto - "Flame on!" (Ok, I stole that from the Human Torch. But whatever. I'm not a copywriter.)
Achilles' heel - Poor design. And penicillin.
Favorite color - Blue (That is the hottest part of the fire, you know.)
Arch nemesis - PC Python & his henchmen "Make it Blue" and "Make my Logo Bigger"

With that, I hope you enjoy this blog, that it sparks a bit of a fire in you, or at the very least, that it gives you a good laugh every once in a while. 'Till next time....

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