Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Aww, Now That's Unfortunate

Every once in a while I come across a product that's got the perfect name and the perfect look. On the flip side, every once in a while I come across a company that's made questionable naming choices. Like the kid in grade school whose last name was "Licker" and his parents chose a first name like Richard. (Even if it was his grandfather's name, I'm sorry, it's still not ok to do that to your kid.)

I really wish someone would've thought twice about this one: 

Jolly Pets....featuring the "Peek-a-Bone" and the "Jolly Ball." Now, maybe I have a dirty mind, but this name doesn't immediately translate into the pure happiness a tug-toy brings out in my pup. Rather, it conjures up a highlight reel of Gordy's regularly scheduled hump date with his plush doggy bed. (Not cool. Especially when we have guests.)

While I'm sure this is an awesome product—in fact, I'm probably going to go buy one right after I post this—I can't help but think someone should've suggested an alternate name. Though honestly, these dogs do look pretty damn jolly. (Just not that kind of jolly.)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

30 Second MBA

This is a great series I just came across via Fast Co. Who submitted the best video on there? Why, Conan O'Brien, of course.